Think Digital Consulting
+44 0 7960 396750

We help our clients deliver great digital services and user experience

We empower delivery teams through applying user-centred design and modern methods of delivery

About Think Digital Consulting


We help our clients deliver great digital services and user experience through empowering delivery teams, applying user-centred design and modern methods of delivery.

Having worked on products, digital services and multi-national programmes across the world, we have a track record of building and developing high-performing teams in the public and private sectors.

Our approach is based on Agile, Lean and DevOps principles and we tailor it towards our client context.

Platform as a Service
Central Government

The goal of PaaS is was to support government teams by saving their time and money relating to hosting and running their digital services.

Built PaaS using AWS and Cloud Foundry following the Government Digital Service (GDS) standards.

PaaS is a resilient and secure platform managed by a full-time  cross-functional team who provide 24/7 support for any platform-related issues.

Cloud Adoption

Executive Agency

The goal of the Cloud Adoption programme (part of DevOps Transformation) was to provide necessary skills, tools and resources in support of cloud initiatives, establish repeatable patterns and processes using cloud technologies, aid the transition of developed applications into operations and improve the client's scores against the Agile and Cloud Capability Frameworks.

Cyber Security Data Analytics
Finance services

The goal of the platform was to provide a vulnerability management service to internal users and business stakeholders, and to digitally transform the value stream and align to organisational cloud first strategy.

The Data Analytics platform using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) scans internal and external data sources and consolidates all vulnerability data into a central data store.

Digital Transformation
Public sector

The goal of the Digital Transformation was to become  consistent, data-led and collaborative across directorates.

Applied user-centred design approach to conduct a series of Discoveries and Alpha's to help internal users prioritise development opportunities within a specific region as a use case. Assessed People, Process and Technology capabilities to make informed decisions about the change effort and complexity involved.

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Business hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30


Kemp House, 128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX

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